All parents and guardians automatically become members of the Friends of Paddock Wood Primary School, known as Paddock Wood Primary PTA when their child joins Leigh Academy Paddock Wood. We are registered as a charity (No. 1098480) and we organise fun events such as fireworks nights, summer fayres, quiz nights, donuts sales and school discos to raise funds to support the school with additional resources to enrich the pupil’s educational experience. We are always looking for new supporters to help us in all that we do – you can do as little or as much as you want.
It’s very easy to get in touch via our Facebook page if you want to find out more, or just drop us an e-mail… or come along to our AGM or next Committee meeting.
We use PTA Events as a platform to sell things like tickets for our fireworks night, adult quizzes and also our donut sales. We also use this to ask for support at some of our bigger events, if you are able to volunteer to support we are grateful for any time you can spare. If you are interested in doing more to help us then please come along to one of our Committee meetings or see PTA Events for our events and how to volunteer.
We also have our very own Facebook page to see what is happening and you can also contact us on if you have any questions.
Please ‘like’ our page to receive Facebook notifications of updates. Please note that this page and the e-mail address is managed by Committee members and not the school itself who are not responsible for any of its content.
The PTA is run by a small committee of parent volunteers who fit their PTA roles around their work and family life and therefore we may sometimes not be available to reply to queries immediately. We check our mailbox and other routes of communication at least once a day so we will respond to you as soon as possible.
We run a lottery with a monthly draw called our Bonus 200 Club, with the fund the PTA support the provision of equipment, resources and opportunities for pupils. Further details and how to apply can be found in the Bonus 200 club document or you can apply via this Google Form.
The Bonus Club 200 draw is made on Academy premises on the last Friday of each month. The winners’ names are posted on our Facebook page and also on the school website. Prizes are paid by cheque to the winners.
Numbers cost £1 each per draw and the minimum subscription is for 12 draws per year. The easiest way to pay is to set up a standing order through your bank account. This will transfer your subscription automatically from your bank account into the Friends of Leigh Academy Paddock Wood’s bank account every month. For example, if you want 2 numbers per draw, £2 will be transferred every month.
So, all you have to do now is decide how many numbers you want per draw (you could ask Grandparents or friends to support us as well), decide how you want to pay and then fill in the application form available from the link below and return to the Friends of Leigh Academy Paddock Wood by popping it into the PTA Box at the school office.
If you have any queries about Bonus Club, feel free to drop us an e-mail on or send us a message via our Facebook page.
Laura Taylor | Bonus 200 Club Co-ordinator
We are a Committee of parents and teachers who raise money to buy the things for our kids that the school budget just cannot stretch to. We are always open to suggestions/requests from parents, carers and teachers of things to fund. We have therefore produced a simple form to request funding.
Please note that funding requests must be for the benefit of a significant group of pupils at Leigh Academy Paddock Wood – any requests that do not meet this criterion will not be approved.