Leigh Academy Paddock Wood (LAPW) is a thriving and engaging three-form entry school in the heart of West Kent. Our ethos encapsulates high standards and expectations, excellent learning and teaching, and the positive wellbeing of pupils and staff. Our current roll is 615. PWPA has a strong and committed teaching team which is widely respected and supported by our academy community.
PWPA’s wide curriculum offer is supported by specialist teachers of Music, French, PE and outdoor education. Some features that help us stand out from other schools are:
- All pupils learn French, learn other subjects in French and leave PWPA conversant in the language
- Pupils leave PWPA with a strong understanding and appreciation of music and sporting skills
- PWPA embeds independence, stamina and considered risk into children’s learning, for example through EYFS and Year 1 initiative exercises, Years 1, 2 and 3 outdoor/forest skills, Y4 mountain biking, Year 5 caving, climbing and kayaking, and Year 6 skiing/snowboarding.
PWPA has its own school minibuses and very frequently takes children out into the local area and into central London, as well as taking Year 5 pupils to the Brecon Beacons and Year 6 pupils to Paris. We have a strong regard for extra-curricular learning and a very healthy catalogue of sporting and other successes and awards. Our academy benefits from significant parent and community support.
Our Facilities
Our school is set in beautiful, extensive grounds tucked away in a quiet, pleasant residential area of Paddock Wood.
We have superb teaching facilities which include interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, a newly renovated library with a large interactive wall mounted screen, two large halls and a purpose built block and playground for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) children. (Scroll down for more information)
A large kitchen adjacent to one of the school halls, means that we are able to offer school meals freshly cooked on the premises.
There are separate playgrounds for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children, each having its own modern wooden play equipment.
In addition, there is a large sports field with a running track for PE activities such as football, cricket, rounders and athletics.
We have recently added a thriving vegetable garden which is tended by the children. Other outdoor facilities include wildlife and secure pond areas which the children use in their studies.
The school also boasts a security fencing system with electronically operated gates which lock between the core time of 9.00am until 2.45pm to ensure that the children are safe and secure in their learning environment.
Vision, Values and Ethos
Our Senior Leadership Team
- Principal: Mr Tom Moore (Deputy DSL, Behaviour, Wellbeing, Digital Strategy, Lead Pupil Premium/ LAC)
- Vice Principal: Mrs Kirsty Stockbridge (Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Lead ECT/ SCITT Mentor, Deputy DSL)
- Assistant Principal: Mrs Eliza Bienz (Science, Co-Curricular and EVC Careers)
- Assistant Principal: Mrs Liz Dunn (PYP Curriculum and Teaching & Learning Mentor)
- Assistant Principal: Mr Simon Cole (Maths, P.E. and Outdoor Learning)
- Assistant Principal: Mr Jon Chorley (English and Moderation)
- Pastoral Lead: Ms Charlotte Gunning (Lead DSL and Pastoral Lead)
- SENCO: Mrs Sarah Thorne (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Inclusion Lead)
Extended Leadership Team
- EYFS Lead: Ms Chelsi Willis
- KS1 Lead: Ms Rachael Reedman
Mark emails FAO (for the attention of) and it will be passed to the relevant staff member.
- General enquiries
info@paddockwood.latrust.org.uk - SEND enquiries
inclusionsupport@paddockwood.latrust.org.uk - Safeguarding enquiries